• Chandrapur: 932 553 9941 Pune: 9172 205 700/1/2

From the Desk of
Managing Director

It's been around two and half decades now since I set on this journey in the education field as a mentor, educator, and it had always been my long cherished dream to provide a springboard to the students of our region in the form of a right institute so that they can catapult themselves to dizzy heights in their academics and realize their dreams of getting into the esteemed and coveted professions like engineers and doctors.

And this long cherished dream got realized in the form of Inspire in 2014. And in just five years, we've been able to make our presence strongly felt in the region as an absolute leader in the IIT and medical entrance training . A year after year, we at Inspire are coming up with far more exciting results at par with the best coaching institutes in the country.

With the sky high ideals and the commitment to excellence, we welcome you here at Inspire to help you achieve your child's dream of becoming the most celebrated and coveted professional with the help of Midas touch at Inspire.

Prof. Vijay Badkhal
Managing Director

IIM, Kozhikode Alumni


Inspire System

  • Ultra Modern Classrooms
  • Computer Lab- for JEE Mock Test
  • CCTV surveillance
  • Inspire App for academic feedback
  • Youth Festival, Sports, Recreation
  • 100% Digitised & Modern Classrooms